Marine Biology

Knowing and learning to recognize the species, plants and marine animals that we encounter during our dives means above all having more intense underwater experiences and having deeper memories, but it will also mean being a more responsible diver who appreciates, observes and respects everything he encounters .

The Course

The Course, accessible with an OWD license, is based on the study of the flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea, with references to the geological context and evolutionary trends starting from the current phenomenon of tropicalization. The manual drawn up by Doctor Manuela Falautano, marine biologist, is made up of 80 identification tables.

  • 18 years

This course is available on ISDA e-Learning.

You can access:

  • downloading ISDA e-learning APP
  • via browser, at

Your Instructor will give you the code to access your studying materials: manual, review quizzes, videos and insights (if part of the course).

Study of the flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea, with references to the geological context and evolutionary trends starting from the current phenomenon of tropicalization.

Divers in possession of the ISDA Marine Biology certification will be able to participate in the Biology Diver project, created by the ISDA in collaboration with various Marine Protected Areas